Broomball Home Page



Remember floor hockey from gym class? Introducing a colder version

If you haven’t heard of broomball before, you’re missing out! It’s basically floor hockey on ice. Every player has a "broom" (it's really a stick) and you try to hit a ball into a goal.



  • Teams consist of six players on the ice - at least two must be female
  • Six game regular season followed by playoffs
  • MSSC provides brooms, balls, goalie helmets, goals, and a referee
  • Download the rulebook in the grey menu bar toward the top of the page for full details on the format and rules


League Capacity


The league usually has a capacity of nine teams and typically sells out in advance of any posted registration deadlines. Sign up early if you want to play.


Registration deadline: Generally ten days prior to the start date (if not already sold out).


Individual Sign Up Information


  • Men: We typically are not able to place many males who register as Individuals in co-ed leagues because most teams are not looking for additional males. It does happen from time to time though, so it doesn't hurt to register
  • Ladies: If you want to be placed on a team, it's best to sign up on your own and NOT request to be placed with a male, as there is a much smaller chance a team will pick you up if you want to play with a guy.
  • Please note that you will not be contacted unless we are able to get you on a team.


Dates and Location

  • Games will be played on Sunday evenings at Madison Ice Arena (725 Forward Drive). We use the studio rink, which looks just like a regular hockey rink, except smaller, so it's the perfect size for broomball. We also have use of locker rooms for the games.
  • The Fall season typically starts in early November. The Winter season typically starts in mid-January



  • Since it's asked all the time: The schedule is posted a few days after registration closes. This league plays on Sunday nights, and you should be available for any time slot
  • The league does not play for two weeks around the Christmas and New Year's holidays or on Super Bowl Sunday



  • Broomball requires more equipment than many other sports. MSSC supplies the basics mentioned above in the "Format" section. Players are encouraged to purchase additional equipment, such as broomball shoes, pads, mouth guards, and helmets from sites like, Midwest Broomball, or These items are optional but will enhance the playing experience and help prevent injuries.


For complete details, please download the Rulebook linked in the grey bar at the top of this page. When you're ready to sign up, click the blue "Team" or "Individual" button below to register. Click the "More Info" button below for the full details on dates, start times, locations, etc.


Questions? Check out our FAQ or Contact Us.


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