Basketball Home Page


MSSC last ran basketball in early 2019. At this time we do not know if or when we will offer it again. We currently do not have a suitable facility for basketball and have had major problems with both player behavior and finding competant, dependable referees.



Five-on-five full court (in the co-ed league at least two players must be female)

Games are 40 minutes. We now allow one hour for the completion of each game since they have historically ran over the allotted time

We will have Upper and Lower divisions if enough teams sign up for each

MSSC supplies balls, team jerseys, refs, and a scorekeeper

Six game regular season followed by the playoffs

Please read the ruleboks linked in the grey bar toward the top of the page for full details on formats and rules


League Capacity


Leagues typically have a capacity of nine teams and generally sell out in advance of any posted registration deadlines. Do not wait until the last minute to register if you want to play.


Individual Sign Up Information


Men: We typically are not able to place many males who register as Individuals in the co-ed league because most teams are not looking for additional males. Being placed as an Individual in one of our men's leagues is much easier since we can normally form a "Free Agent" team.

Ladies: If you want to be placed on a team, it's best to sign up on your own and NOT request to be placed with a male, as there is a much smaller chance a team will pick you up if you want to play with a guy.

Please note that you will not be contacted unless we are able to get you on a team.


Prizes and Other Benefits

Champions t-shirts will be awarded to the league champions

Gift cards or cash prizes will also be distributed to the champions and runners-up



For complete details, please download the Rulebook linked in the grey bar at the top of this page. When you're ready to sign up, click the blue "Team" or "Individual" button below to register. Click the grey "League Details" button for the full details on dates, start times, locations, etc.


Questions? Check out our FAQ or Contact Us.





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